Regular readers may notice some new stuff to the right: the logo for a group called the Thoroughbred Bloggers Alliance and a standings table (with advertising!). I have reached out to my fellow bloggers and they have agreed to let me join their Alliance, so welcome to any of you who have found me through your favorite TBA blog. There’s a lot of good, fun, strange and just plain interesting stuff on the TBA blogs, so I’m pleased to be a part of it all. The common thread is a group of people who care deeply about the thoroughbred business, and passion should never be underestimated in this game. (Now if only I could get them to internationalize that standings table…)
Damn, another blog better than mine.
It is a global game and you have a say. Make it happen.
Welcome aboard.
Does this mean I have to create a European standings? Ugh. ;-D Welcome aboard.
Welcome aboard; now to further confuse me I have to get used to watching horse run the “right” way when I look at your blog
Welcome aboard! Glad to have you on the team.
Bienvenue! I’m looking forward to reading more about the Euro scene.