Things are starting to move in the right direction again. Little Brazilien, who desperately, desperately needs a race, will finally get one on Sunday. She has a 1,300-meter maiden in Evreux. Sheik Mo has a couple in there, too, so it won’t be a cakewalk, but Brazil needs the run. Timelord is in the handicap at St. Cloud on Tuesday – like last time, he is on the cutoff between first and second division, so we won’t know which race he has until tomorrow morning. It looks like he’ll be top weight in the second half again. And George will go to Fontainebleau on Wednesday in a mile maiden. Again, I’d prefer a claimer or easier handicap, but he has to take what he can get. He seems on form, as does Brazil, so we have to hope. Timelord has been such a metronome in his racing that I really don’t have to worry about him – if he runs to form, he will be in the first four. Good to be racing again.
Good luck to all of them … especially George.
Good luck!!!